About Me
I love my life as a travel writer and blogger and currently have more than 300 articles in 25 different print and online publications. I love discovering the cultural distinctions of places around the country and the globe, and I enjoy sampling regional cuisine. People and their stories fascinate me. Professionally, I am a member of SATW (Society of American Travel Writers), TravMedia, and I am an E.A.T. Certified Judge for the World Food Championships. Recently, I was named an ambassador for VisitDecaturAL. and received their Ambassador of the Year award in 2022. I have authored three books. The latest is "100 Things To Do In Auburn, AL Before You Die," published by Reedy Press.

Check out this interview that recently appeared in TravelAwaits.com. Click here.
But, I have other identities, as well.
I think of myself as a prissy, loquacious, Southern lady – Think “Land of Cotton,” sweet tea, “Bless Your Heart,” squash casserole, “I don’t sweat pretty” kind of Southern lady.
I’m a wife with 52 years of experience. My husband is a veterinarian and writer. I call him my Silver Fox, and he’s the wisest person I’ve ever known. He has recently published his first book: “What a Way to Make a Living: Tales from a Small Town Veterinarian,” available on Amazon.

Connie with husband Steve after celebrating anniversary #48.

Connie with 12 of their 14 grandkids.
I am a mother of 3, grandmother of 15, and great grandmother of 1. Imagine having 3 in college at one time followed by 3 weddings within 16 months. Then imagine keeping up with that many birthdays and finding perfect Christmas presents, not to mention having enough mantel space for the stockings.
I am a former Southern Baptist missionary who lived in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador for 4 years teaching English and Bible studies and hosting Ecuadorians, fellow missionaries and volunteers from the States.
In addition to Ecuador, I have visited other countries both for pleasure and while doing volunteer mission work: Kenya, Venezuela, South Korea, Guatemala, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, England, Ireland, Austria, Germany, and Slovakia.
I am a musician – Private piano teacher, church pianist and organist for years, and a retired public school elementary music teacher.
I am a proud graduate of Auburn University and a faithful fan of the Tigers – WAR EAGLE!!!

Connie at the Rose Bowl in 2014

Connie organizing her thoughts.
My first book was completed in December of 2016. It’s now available in print or on Kindle through Amazon. “Telling It On the Mountain: 52 Days in the Life of an Improbable Missionary.”
I live by at least ELEVEN Commandments – A personal fave is “Thou shalt not bore.”
My Personal Goals?
1) Be a follower of Christ who is a positive representative for Him.
2) Stay “interested” and “interesting” all the days of my life.
3) To dance at every grandchild’s wedding.
CONTACT ME with your questions and comments via email at theregoesconnie@gmail.com