Mother's Day
When Someone Says Your Name
COME TO THE TABLE -- Experiences as a Travel Writer . . . and a recipe
COME TO THE TABLE -- Cousins Camp and Empty Nest Hospitality . . . plus 2 recipes
COME TO THE TABLE -- Mission Field Meals . . . plus 2 recipes
COME TO THE TABLE -- Committing to Daily Meal Time Together, plus one of our favorite family recipes
COME TO THE TABLE -- Meals That Were Ministries in My Life . . . and a recipe
COME TO THE TABLE -- Memorable Childhood Meals and a Recipe
How Much Accuracy Is Enough Accuracy
Pray for Miracles in Ukraine
50 Years of Pets and Their People
Air Travel Observations
Our Family's Valentine Day --Answered Prayers for Love and Joy
A Prayer for Allie
"The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles!"
Walking THROUGH the Valley
Angel Armies
Two Good Josephs
Tie a Bow Around Christmas and 2021. Greet 2022 With Hope.
GLORIA in Excelsis Deo!