Steve Pearson is married to the Queen of Questions. Laura, Matt, and Julie's momma asked (and still asks) them a LOT of questions as they were growing up. Yet, I am no match for God when it comes to good questions, profound questions, questions that beg to be answered. Look at Job chapters 38 and 39 for a master class on asking questions. God even gives Job a slight advance warning that He's about to rock his world. Job 38:3 -- "Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer Me." When God finished, Job knew his self-pitying, wallowing, and whining had to end. Read the whole book of Job when you have time.
Today, though, I am drawn to the first question recorded in Scripture that God asked. You can find it in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 9 -- "Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?" After a quick glimpse through chapters 1 and 2, we know with certainty that this God who had recently created everything in the world wasn't asking Adam the question because He didn't know the answer. God wanted Adam to fully grasp for himself how he had gotten to the place where he was at that moment. Adam had been placed in a perfect paradise. He had his made-to-order companion Eve, and all his needs were met. Yet, with the first bit of temptation, they disobeyed God's specific instruction. Instead of walking with God in a beautiful garden, they were now hiding behind a tree hoping to stay out of God's sight. God obviously wanted Adam to recognize how sin had changed everything and put him in a place of shame and isolation.
I believe God's question to Adam is a good one for all of us to answer as we continue into January 2024.
(Photo from Credit and source here)
WHERE AM I? Is there unconfessed sin in my life for which I need forgiveness? Do I desire a clean slate and full access to God? Do I know what my sins are, or do I need to ask God to remind me of them?
WHERE AM I? If sin isn't the issue, then what position am I in spiritually at this moment? Am I drawing closer to God or pulling away from Him? Am I spending regular time with Him or filling up my days with busyness and distractions?
WHERE AM I in my church? Am I serving in places where I can use my spiritual gifts? Am I working to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with my brothers and sisters in Christ? Am I praying for the church leaders and for the needs in the congregation?
WHERE AM I in my family relationships? Are the lines of communication open and loving with my husband, children, grandchildren, siblings, cousins, etc.
WHERE AM I emotionally? Am I at peace? Am I content? Am I grateful?
WHERE AM I financially?
WHERE AM I physically?
WHERE AM I socially?
WHERE AM I in setting priorities -- daily, weekly?
As I sit in my office during this cold, snowy week, I am doing an assessment. Sometime I need to ASK MYSELF questions rather than peppering others with inquiries to satisfy my insatiable curiosity. Today is a day to turn my wonderings inward. Maybe you're feeling the same urge.
I hope we all get answers that will spur us toward becoming the best versions of ourselves we can be.