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Writer's pictureConnie Pearson

"On Day One"

Updated: Oct 19, 2024

You and I have heard those words ad nauseum in the past months. Each of the presidential candidates has a list of top priority items they "say" they want to implement on their first official day in office. If you believe the rhetoric, on January 20, 2025, all of us will suddenly become richer, safer, happier, more free, and completely fulfilled. There will be no more wars, violence, poverty, lack of healthcare or jobs, etc., etc. A tiny portion of those things COULD happen, if whoever becomes president actually does have the authority to change our lives "with the stroke of a pen." Most, however, would take the approval of Congress to go into effect. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Much of what we hear comes from a list of talking points, but that phrase "on day one" made me think about other times when important things DID take place ON DAY ONE.

On Day One of Creation, God took a dark, formless void and created LIGHT. He separated the light from the darkness and made day and night. The remaining five days of creation were just as astounding and powerful. Our lives were made possible because of His work. (Genesis 1:1-5)

On Day One of the Flood, Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives along with two of every creature went into the ark and GOD CLOSED THE DOOR. Forty days and nights of rain began with five months of water covering the earth as a result. Every living creature not inside of that ark was destroyed. Noah's obedience led to his deliverance from God's judgment. (Genesis 7:15- Genesis 8)

On Day One of the Exodus, six hundred thousand men (plus children and a "mixed multitude") were led out of Egypt by Moses after 430 years of slavery culminating with a series of plagues God sent to convince Pharoah to let them go back to the homeland. These people were on foot with all of their worldly goods (and the plunder they had gathered from the Egyptians). The journey should have taken a few months, but instead, it lasted forty years because of their disobedience. (Exodus 12:37 and following)

On Day One after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus followed the leading of the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and fasted FOR FORTY DAYS. The Bible doesn't specifically say Jesus prayed during those 40 days, but I believe it is reasonable to believe He spent those days communing with His Heavenly Father. Rather than being weakened by that time without food, Jesus came out of the wilderness empowered to withstand the temptations of Satan, and He began a three-year ministry that transformed the world. (Matthew 4)

There are many more examples of Day Ones in the Bible that made a difference, but I'll let you make your own list.

In my personal life, there have been some significant Day Ones.

  • I was saved 66 years ago THIS MONTH! I well remember that the first day I was saved I wanted to tell everyone about it -- my Aunt June who lived next door and was six months younger than I, my 3rd grade teacher, and all my friends, anyone who would listen.

  • The first day after Steve and I got married, I remember being excited, exhausted (from all of the hoopla surrounding the wedding), uncharacteristically shy around my new husband, full of hope for the future, nervous because of changing schools and my sparse cooking/homemaking skills, totally in love. Can any of you relate?

  • The first day after giving birth to our daughter Laura, I was completely overwhelmed. I loved that tiny baby (5 lbs. 14 oz.) fiercely but didn't have a clue about taking care of her. Surely there had to be an instruction booklet somewhere! Fortunately, I had my mother, Steve's mother, and our trusted pediatrician Dr. William Walker to guide me. Bless that baby.

Day One of vacations, jobs, Cousins Camps, grandparenthood, retirement, etc. etc. You get the idea.

I like to imagine how busy my Day One in heaven will be -- checking out my glorified body (oh happy day!), seeing my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, laying my crowns at Jesus' feet, standing before the Judgment Seat (I don't know exactly how that will be, but I know I have a lot to give an account for), seeing loved ones who are already there, taking my place in the choir.

Enough about "Day Ones," except to say this.

What if we all think of TODAY as a Day One in our lives? We've all heard the saying: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." It's true, you know. Today is the day we can improve our attitudes, make a difference in someone else's life with an act of kindness, spend time with God, express love to our family members, minister to someone who is hurting, try that new recipe we found, determine to bury past grievances, etc. etc. So many good things can happen On THIS Day One. Let's don't wait for the politicians. Let's change our corner of the world right now and VOTE on November 5th.

Cousins Camp several years ago when the theme was Patriotism.

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